Thanks in large part to our CoSN Advocacy Network, we are proud of our commitment to advocating on behalf of education technology leaders and their efforts to transform learning. In 2016, we concentrated on efforts to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), strengthen student data privacy laws, and ensure robust technology funding in the Department of Education’s Fiscal Year 2016 budget.
Take Action to Support EdTech
Read about CoSN's advocacy campaigns and weigh in with your state leaders and Members of Congress.
CoSN's 2016 Policy Impact
- Thanks to your quick action, Senators Ed Markey and Ron Wyden heard the concerns of CoSN and its members. They lifted the hold on FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel's reconfirmation. This is good news. Now Commissioner Rosenworcel's nomination must be approved by the U.S. Senate before Congress adjourns for the year. CoSN plans to work hard on her behalf. We will keep you posted on future actions that might be necessary.
- CoSN’s Call to Action urges President-elect Trump and the new Congress to advance digital equity by adequately funding existing programs, increasing broadband access for all students and developing new policies to support education transformation with technology.
- CoSN joined with the Title IV Coalition to call for increased FY 2017 funding for the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (SSAEG) Program.
- Tools for State Legislative Advocacy
CoSN is providing resources to help you be an effective advocate at the state level. From learning the basics, like what exactly is a bill to what questions you should be asking policymakers, the CoSN resources will empower you to take the right steps and ensure your voice is heard. You can make the difference! - New Resources: Election 2016 Questions to Ask Candidates and 7 Ways You Can be an Education Advocate
- Statement of the Title IV, Part A Coalition on the House Labor HHS Education Subcommittee’s Action on Education Funding
- CoSN issued a statement on the House Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies vote to provide $1 billion in FY 2017 funding for the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (SSAEG) Program.
- CoSN issued a statement calling the proposed Senate subcommittee funding levels for ed technology inadequate and disappointing.
- Congress is home until June 3—a key time to contact your Senators and Representative to stress the importance of ed tech funding. Here is some background and suggested actions that you can take.
- Learn about strategies for using the new Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Program (Title IV, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act) to support state and school district OER initiatives.
- CoSN joined a coalition of public interest groups, tech companies and industry associations calling on the White House to push to open up the 5.9 GHz band for Wi-Fi, sharing the spectrum otherwise dedicated to short-range communications (DSRC) service systems
- CoSN has prepared talking points on student privacy, ed tech funding and E-rate for our members to use in communicating with Congress.
- President Obama released his Fiscal Year 2017 request for education funding; in response, CoSN called upon Congress to increase funding for ed tech. CoSN also sent a letter to the House Appropriations Subcommittee and joined with a broad-based coalition of national and state associations calling for robust ed tech funding. Representatives Kline and Scott sent a letter to Congressional appropriators asking for full funding for the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAEG) grant program. Please contact your Senators and Representatives now and urge them to ask the Appropriations Committees to provide $1.6 billion for the SSAE grant program. You can send a letter through the Advocacy Network.
- President Obama signed into law the Every Student Succeeds Act—legislation to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. CoSN applauded the legislation as a step towards advancing the national commitment to education technology.
- CoSN filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission on reform of the Lifeline Program. A second filing provided additional information on bandwidth needs of students outside of school.
- CoSN submitted comments to the Department of Education regarding Open Licensing Requirements for direct grants. CoSN also worked with other groups to develop an FAQ answering questions about open educational resources (OER) for K-12 educators.
- The Department of Education released its 2016 National Education Technology Plan, Future Ready Learning: Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education. A CoSN statement praised the plan and its critical focus on school leadership and digital equity.
2016 Friends of Advocacy
- John Harrington
- Sally Jamerson
- Lillian Kellogg
- Gary Mainor
- John Q. Porter
- Melissa Sheehan
- Mike Bridge
- Jhone Ebert
- Marla Gaddis
- Frank Gallagher
- Anton Inglese
- Arjan Khalsa
- Paula Maylahn
- Sean McDonough
- Michael Minihane
- Sean Murphy
- Alice Owen
- John Q. Porter
- Cynthia Schultz
- Melissa Tebbenkamp
- Jean Tower
- Lewis Wynn
- Charles P. Amos
- Keith Krueger
- Gary Mainor
- Melissa Sheehan
- Tony Arbisi
- Cindy Bingman
- William Blaylock
- Michael Flood
- Lucy Gray
- Mike Guerena
- Sharnell S. Jackson
- Cindy Johann
- Steven Langford
- David Long
- Vicki Lyons
- Phil Morris
- Gayle J. Nelson
- Chris Oskuie
- Kecia Ray
- John Renna
- Ron Reyer
- Jason Rooks
- Sean E. Smith
- Derrick Unruh
- Dave Wilson