CoSN is a strong presence and voice in the policy debates at the national and state level serving as a champion of policies required to power next-generation learning environments. Our policy agenda focuses on securing robust funding for EdTech, strengthening the E-Rate program, protecting the privacy and security of student data, and promoting digital equity. We provide our members with the tools and resources to be successful advocates on these issues. Policy actions are categorized based on CoSN's focus on four key policy issues: E-Rate and Broadband Access in Classrooms, EdTech Funding, Privacy and Data Security, and Digital Equity.

CoSN Staff Contacts:

Carla Wade MS, Director of External Relations,


State and Federal Cybersecurity Policy and Education in 2024

This paper examines the key trends, strategic approaches, and practical implications of 2024’s cybersecurity legislation for educational institutions. By highlighting both enacted laws and notable proposed legislation, it provides education leaders and policymakers with actionable insights for strengthening cybersecurity governance, protection, and education in their own communities and schools.

state and federal cybersecurity policy and education in 2024 cosn v3 cover

Advocacy Updates on EdTech Legislative Campaigns

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

CoSN applauds the FCC's proposal to allow E-Rate funding for off-campus Wi-Fi hotspots and wireless internet access. This is a crucial step towards closing the digital divide and ensuring all students can engage in remote learning.

We are grateful for the FCC's initiative in this area. This proposal demonstrates the Commission's commitment to expanding access and meeting the evolving connectivity needs of students and teachers. CoSN looks forward to continuing our work with the FCC as E-Rate evolves to address these important issues.

CoSN thanks the Commission for its leadership and for taking this significant step to improve educational opportunities for all students.

Access the full release.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Today, CoSN released a press release regarding how CoSN, SHLB, SETDA and ALA oppose the Eyes on the Board Act. Read the full press release here. For more information, read the letter sent to The Hon. Maria Cantwell and The Hon. Ted Cruz from education and library groups, CoSN included.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

CoSN joins with other education and library groups expressing concerns about the “Eyes on the Board” section of S. 4213, The Kids Off Social Media Act. Read the full release here. For additional information, read the latest CoSN Press Release.

Friday, March 15, 2024

CoSN Applauds the FCC Decision to Increase Broadband Speed Benchmark. Read the full Press release here.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Today, CoSN submitted comments to the Federal Trade Commission responding to the agency's proposed update to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule. Read the full comments here.

Comments Responding to Commissions Proposal to Establish a Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program.

Schools and libraries face an urgent, complex cybersecurity crisis. Cybercriminals and other bad actors persistently target them for serious ransomware and other cyberattacks, seeking to acquire sensitive student and patron data and to steal public funds. Resulting network outages frequently disrupt learning and library services, imposing huge costs on individuals, institutions, and communities. The Commission’s proposed cybersecurity pilot program represents an effective and pragmatic way to acquire data and other information to modernize E-Rate and to inform other federal cybersecurity policies and programs. Read the full release here.

Statement From CoSN on the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP): A Call to Action for Closing the Digital Access, Design and Use Divides

As the United States Department of Education unveils the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan, we recognize the pivotal role technology plays in transforming education. CoSN applauds the focus on closing the Digital Divide, addressing critical dimensions of access, use, and design. To ensure the promise of EdTech reaches all students, regardless of their background, geography, or individual context, we particularly endorse the establishment of a cabinet-level EdTech Director. This aligns with CoSN's commitment to advancing equitable and effective technology use in education, exemplified through our CETL certification. The value of the report is further underscored by its appendices, including four short overview guides for State, District, and School leaders, as well as educators. This is not a plan to be passed to the technology director to implement. It is intentionally designed to bring district leadership (academic, special education, finance, and technology) together to take action, and to build systems that empower every learner.

Historic Summit Strengthens Collaboration to Enhance K-12 School Infrastructure and Protect Educational Data

the big three

On August 8, 2023, 10:30 AM ET, The White House livestreamed an event, Back to School Safely: Cybersecurity for K-12 Schools. First Lady Jill Biden, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, welcomed EdTech leaders and solution providers to share and discuss ways that they, along with federal, state, and local agencies can work together to strengthen K-12 education’s cybersecurity infrastructure amidst the growing number of cyberattacks that have targeted schools.

Additionally, the US Department of Education Office of Education Technology released three K-12 Digital Infrastructure Briefs that cover the role of interoperability, cybersecurity, and privacy. These briefs are part of a national effort to create more secure and resilient digital ecosystems.

Advocacy Updates for 2023

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

CoSN, the American Library Association, the SHLB Coalition, and several other partner organizations wrote the Federal Communications Commission providing recommendations to inform the anticipated rulemaking for Chairwoman Rosenworcel's proposed school and library cybersecurity pilot. View the letter here.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Chairwoman FCC’s planned E-Rate cybersecurity pilot is a powerful first step toward comprehensively modernizing the program’s cybersecurity provisions. CoSN greatly appreciates the Chairwoman’s decision to respond to the schools’ longstanding pleas for help and we appreciate she has listened to our recommendation of a $200 million investment. View the full article here.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

CoSN and SETDA wrote the leadership of the Senate Commerce Committee expressing their support of President Biden's Nomination of Geoffrey Starks to serve another term on the Federal Communications Commission. Read the letter here.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

CoSN and SETDA wrote the leadership of the Senate Commerce Committee expressing their support of President Biden's Nomination of Anna Gomez to serve on the Federal Communications Committee. Read the letter here.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Led by SETDA, CoSN ,ISTE, and SIIA, nearly 60 education technology leaders and experts from 24 states gathered to meet with policymakers on Capitol Hill to discuss actionable policies that will provide much-needed support for equitable access and secure student success. Full press release: EdTech Community Educates Congress on 2024 Policy Priorities.

CoSN's EdTech Advocacy Network

Sign up for CoSN's EdTech Advocacy Network to learn about current policy and advocacy campaigns and to share your expertise with policymakers. The network offers access to CoSN's Phone2Action tool which provides a simple way to contact state and federal legislators about important programs and topics like E-Rate, K-12 cybersecurity, privacy, and more.

Phone2Action (P2A)

Text the word "COSN" to 52886. You will receive a link to enroll in CoSN’s new Phone2Action advocacy tool by Quorum and connect with your representatives on Capitol Hill.

ENROLL NOW and urge Congress to co-sponsor Rep. Doris Matsui’s Enhancing K-12 Cybersecurity Act.

Enroll today!