
Superintendents can make or break educational technology initiatives. They are responsible for ensuring that their school districts embrace transformative digital learning. CoSN collaborates with superintendents to assess their challenges and increase their capacities to lead technology efforts. We are dedicated to helping current and aspiring superintendents and district leadership teams to build on their knowledge, skills, and confidence.

EmpowerED Superintendents' Initiative is done in partnership with AASA, the School Superintendents Association.

CoSN is grateful to the following sponsors for their support: ClassLink, JAMF, Linewize, and ClassDojo.

CoSN EmpowerED Superintendents Project Director: Ann McMullan,

CoSN staff contact: Jill Brown, MA, Ph.d., Director of Professional Learning,

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2024 Award Winner: EmpowerEd Superintendent of the Year: Dr. Michael Nagler, Mineola UFSD (NY)

The EmpowerED Superintendent edLeader Panel Series

CoSN thanks for hosting the series.

School district leaders face many challenges leading schools and driving school improvement. Collaboration with peers is one of the most effective ways to learn about effective ideas and practices. CoSN, AASA, and are co-hosting an online professional learning community and edWebinar series to help superintendents connect and collaborate to help each other in this endeavor. You can attend the edWebinars live to connect with peers in real-time, or view the recordings. Join the Super-Connected community on edWeb for online discussions and resources. We thank our sponsor ClassLink for this continued collaboration.

edWeb CE Certificates may be used for CETL® Recertification Read More

Click below to register for upcoming free Broadcasts and access all free Recordings, Podcasts, and Articles


Professional Development Opportunities

Support you and your staff's professional learning needs with CoSN's affordable K-12 focused online courses and workshops facilitated by national subject matter experts in the areas of CoSN's CETL® Certification & K-12 CTO’s Framework of Essential Skills, Cybersecurity, Project Management, Early Career CTO Needs, Student Data Privacy, and Building Your IT Hiring Pipeline.

CoSN also offers affordable customized courses & in-house professional development options for schools or districts. We can provide nationally recognized subject matter expert instructors or fully developed courses for you to facilitate with in-house experts housed in our LMS. This is a convenient way to enhance your team's skills, build capacity, and foster connections with EdTech leaders across the country.

Register:  CoSN Calendar* or Courses/Workshop Catalog *Subscribe to the CoSN Calendar at the bottom of the page. Read More: Course Details, Syllabi & Self-Study Options

Critical Focus Areas:
Issue One-Pagers

Our Superintendent one-pagers are a comprehensive, consistent set of resources on various edtech topics that guide and empower superintendents and their leadership teams in leading the digital transformation. These materials will help superintendents communicate to stakeholders on important edtech topics:

Additional Resources


Virtual Sessions are on Mondays from 5-6 PM ET
Register, videos, podcasts and articles.

Sept. 9th CoSN 2024 State of EdTech District Leadership Survey Results; Current Challenges and Solutions for Leading Technology Innovations

Oct. 14th Cybersecurity in School District Settings: A District Leadership Approach

Nov. 11th Artificial Intelligence – Accepting It

Jan. 13th Strategic Technology Planning and Investment

Feb. 10th Data Privacy: A Multi-Stakeholder Priority

Mar. 10th Leading Digital Learning

Advisory Panel & Endorsers

CoSN is proud to have the endorsement of over 60 superintendents, associations, and industry leaders
*Invitation only.

Thank You to Our Initiative Sponsors:

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