

Award Winners

2024: Dr. Michael Nagler, Mineola UFSD (NY)

2023: Jim Roberts, Bartholomew Consolidated School District (IN)

2022: Matt Miller, Lakota Local Schools (OH)

2021: Dr. Michael Hinojosa,  Dallas ISD (TX) and Dr. Jeff Stephens, Weber County Schools (UT)

2020: Dr. Aaron Spence, Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VA)

2019: Dr. Mark Benigni, Meriden Public Schools (CT)

CoSN and AASA’s EmpowerED Digital Superintendent of the Year Award recognizes an exceptional district Superintendent who serves as a true empowered leader, leveraging and championing technologies in the classroom and throughout the district to transform their school district. 

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Thank you to our award sponsor, Classlink.classlink logo 2021


School district Superintendents of all types of schools—public, charter, private, parochial, or independent—are eligible for the CoSN Empowered Superintendent Award. Winners will be announced at the CoSN Annual Conference.

Nominate an exemplary Superintendent—or self-nominate. CoSN’s Awards committee will review all nominations and notify the winner in January. The winning Superintendent will then be publicly honored at the CoSN Annual Conference. In addition to our congratulations, the Superintendent receives complimentary conference registration, a $1,000 honorarium, and media coverage.



     2024 Award Winner: EmpowerEd Superintendent of the Year


Dr. Michael Nagler, Mineola UFSD (NY)

Dr. Nagler’s leadership has led successful changes in Mineola: 1:1 iPad initiative, 5 of 5 Apple Distinguished Schools, coding pathways K-12, the systematic “upgrading” of a district in pursuit of putting children at the center of their learning, and the adoption of the Empower platform to support Synergy, the competency-based branch of high school. Dr. Nagler supports a culture that embraces change and champions student success. Read the full press release HERE.