At the core of CoSN’s Driving K-12 Innovation initiative, the project aims to enable inclusive and nimble technology leadership to drive innovation and empower our community of change leaders. In doing so, the Driving K-12 Innovation global Advisory Board produces high-quality trend reports that support the use of emerging technology in K-12 education to transform learning for students of tomorrow.

Because of the nature of project’s work, Advisory Board members often participate in the process year after year to knowledge share, network and have engaged discussions — both during synchronous Zoom calls and asynchronous online forum chats — with fellow Advisory Board members from across the globe.

As the Driving K-12 Innovation’s 2023-24 cycle comes to a close, CoSN would like to recognize the 16 Advisory Board members who have shared their leadership with the initiative for the past six years in a row:

  • Arjana Blazic, EduDigiCon, Grad Zagreb, Croatia
  • Gordon Dahlby, Education Technology Policy and Practice Consulting, Iowa, United States
  • Kim Flintoff, IDEAcademy (Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurial Academy), Western Australia, Australia
  • Michael Flood, Alpine Frog, LLC, North Carolina, United States
  • Claus Gregersen, Herning Gymnasium, Denmark
  • Norton Gusky, NLG Consulting, LLC, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Lisa Gustinelli, St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic School, Florida, United States
  • Kris Hagel, CETL, Peninsula School District, Washington, United States
  • Vince Humes, Northwest TriCounty Intermediate Unit, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Edward McKaveney, CETL, Hampton Township School District,  Pennsylvania, United States
  • Philip Neufeld,  Fresno Unified School District, California, United States
  • Ruben Puentedura, Hippasus, Massachusetts, United States
  • Tom Ryan, K-12 Strategic Technology Advisory Group
  • Andrew Smith, Education Services Australia Ltd, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • Karen Swift, James Nash High School, Queensland, Australia
  • Jason Zagami, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia

We recently asked these dedicated Ad Board members to reflect on their time as Advisory Board members, the project’s Top Topics over the years, and what advice they would give to future Ad Board members.

 What are your thoughts on the evolution of the Top Topics over the past six years?

The shifts in the Top Topics from year to year have highlighted several key considerations. One thing that remains front of mind is that we are engaging with WICKED PROBLEMS, and as such they tend to linger, morph, and resurface year on year. Many of the earlier topics were more related to understanding the landscapes we were entering and the current conditions.  Initially the focus was almost exclusively through the lenses of teachers and administrators job requirements, and slowly started to transform into considering student experience and the implications for the broader ecosystems that connect with ‘education’. 

What’s become more obvious in recent years is that we are dealing with some global challenges that reflect the Volatile, Unpredictable, Complex, and Ambiguous world we now inhabit. The vision of education is far more future focused and emphasising sustainability, equity and wellbeing. We’re seeing more and more that Learning and Learners should be the focus rather than other peripheral concerns. Education is always enmeshed with shifts in industry, politics and other global conditions.” – Kim Flintoff

 Why is this initiative important for edtech/driving innovation and impact?

The Driving K-12 Innovation Advisory Board provides a global forum for dialog and synthesis of trends and developments across cultures, countries, and economic levels. The resulting report provides a tool for catalyzing discussion both inside the education system and with the broader community including policy-makers, funders, parents, taxpayers, and researchers. The report also provides an important feedback mechanism between the public and private sector, enabling solution providers to better focus their priorities and roadmaps on the most salient challenges the industry is communicating.” – Michael Flood

Echo chambers and the busyness of educational practice limit the ability of many to observe shifts in educational technologies until they become reactionary, and predictive processes such as Driving K-12 Innovation provide an opportunity to not just embrace innovation and increase impact but to drive change towards preferred outcomes.” – Jason Zagami

What have you gained by being part of the process?

By being a part of the Ad Board, I have gained a strong voice in my own school district. I’ve been able to use the report as a basis of Professional Development sessions aimed at driving change. Recommendations I present are backed up by an advisory of International EdTech professionals who I too have learned from. The ability to discuss what is happening in this field (both asynchronously and online over Zoom) with like-minded board members is extremely helpful. I’ve also made some amazing long-lasting connections along the way.” – Lisa Gustinelli

The diverse mix of education technology thought leaders from around the world, as well as leaders of large and small school systems and nongovernmental organizations from across the United States, brings insight and discussion not typically found with other projects and organizations. Having the opportunity to exchange ideas and debate critical topics in educational technology and educational systems as part of the advisory board has helped me to build valuable relationships, alongside insights that have refined my own thinking toward the implementation of and approach toward hurdles, accelerators, and tech enablers in my own work as a K-12 technology director.” – Ed McKaveney, CETL

What advice would you give to someone thinking about joining the Ad Board?

If you are passionate about education and eager to keep abreast of the latest developments in edtech, the Ad Board is the perfect place for you! We bring together curious life-long learners who are willing to learn, unlearn and relearn: educators who constantly acquire new knowledge,  readily adapt to change and are committed to refining their expertise. Active participation, collaboration and open communication are the cornerstones of the Ad Board. By working alongside other passionate educators, you’ll spark groundbreaking ideas and drive positive change in the education landscape.” – Arjana Blazic

Apply to join the 2024-2025 Advisory Board!

Special thanks to the Driving K-12 Innovation Advisory Board members for their rich contributions to the initiative and the report for the last six years. We look forward to the next six!

Learn more about the Driving K-12 Innovation project.

AUTHOR: Stephanie King, Writer and Communications Manager, CoSN’s EdTech Innovations Committee and Driving K-12 Innovation

Published on: June 4th, 2024

CoSN is vendor neutral and does not endorse products or services. Any mention of a specific solution is for contextual purposes.

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