LA-CTO became a CoSN State Chapter in 2006, as the mission of both LACRU and CoSN aligned. Our ultimate goal is to achieve significant and increasing improvement in the understanding of technology and to have available the more specific information and technical training necessary to all those who would beneficially apply technology in their endeavors:
To participate in the coordination of activities relating to the educational use of technology.
To encourage the formation of, and support of, local groups concerned with educational uses of technology.
To interact with local, state, and national agencies to establish guidelines concerning the use of technology in education.
To promote equal opportunity for all students to enjoy the potential benefits and enrichment of instruction that is afforded by technology.
To promote the development of programs and standards for the training of those involved in technology related education.
To provide for the sharing and exchanging of ideas, techniques, research, materials, and procedures for use in educational technology.
To provide representation of members’ viewpoints in the formulation of laws and regulations, and to cooperate with the State Department of Education, the state legislature and other governmental agencies in matters relating to technology in education.