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Chairs or Co-Chairs

Teshon Christie, CETL

Committee Members

Staff Liason

Chelsea Earhart

The Certification Governance Committee is responsible for establishing all policies and procedures pertaining to CETL® certification program, including approving all updates to the Framework, setting the eligibility requirements, setting the recertification requirements, establishing costs, and determining the passing score of the exam. The CoSN Board approves any decisions pertaining to the budget prior to final implementation. Following certification industry best practices, there is a distinct firewall between those creating and managing the CETL® program and exam, and those responsible for CoSN’s overall operations. Those overseeing the CETL® certification program are not involved in CoSN’s decision-making and budget oversight. In addition, those at CoSN responsible for creating preparatory materials for the exam do not have access to the exam’s content. This ensures the integrity of the exam.

This committee is member exclusive and volunteers are appointed.

member exclusive
