Yesterday at its 2018 Annual Conference in Washington, DC, CoSN (the Consortium for School Networking) announced a new publication series, titled Driving K-12 Innovation. Set to debut this fall, the series of three short reports will provide school leaders with high-quality information on emerging issues that could impact teaching and learning.
The project will be part of CoSN’s EdTechNext initiative and continues the organization’s long-standing work surrounding emerging technologies. A decade ago, CoSN co-founded the Horizon Report > K-12 Edition, which explored the education technology trends, challenges and developments poised to impact teaching and learning across the world. 
“CoSN is proud to strengthen our commitment to ensure that the K-12 community has the foremost insights and tools on emerging technologies,” said Keith Krueger, CEO of CoSN. “In the months ahead, we look forward to creating a suite of leading-edge resources that will help school leaders modernize their learning environments.”
CoSN will issue its insights and findings in three briefs that will be available at no cost. The shorter publications will be released throughout the next year to spur ongoing discussions and visibility that address the top hurdles, accelerators and technology enablers in K-12 education. CoSN is currently seeking school leaders and practitioners to volunteer for the inaugural project board as well as additional sponsorship.
The new project is made possible through the following sponsorship support: ClassLink and Google (Gold sponsors), Amazon Web Services, Dell EMC and Kajeet (Silver sponsors) and ENA (Bronze sponsor). For more information, visit: