CoSN (the Consortium for School Networking) this week is leading an education technology delegation to New Zealand. The South Pacific country was recently identified by
The Economist’s
Worldwide Educating for the Future Index as a “Best in Class Overall” nation for providing students with future skills education.
Over the course of nine days, senior-level technology professionals and experts will meet with New Zealand government officials, local leaders, educators and the private sector community to explore the country’s education policies and exchange insights. The program continues CoSN’s international learning efforts. For the past 15 years, CoSN has led trips to Ireland (2016), India (2015), Singapore (2015), Portugal (2013), London and Paris (2011), South America (2011), Scotland and the Netherlands (2009), Scandinavia (2007), Australia (2004), as well as the United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Germany (2002).
“As a leader in advancing information and communications technology, New Zealand has demonstrated how to positively invent and advance modern education practices. We will use this opportunity to see how the country is successfully offering students a sense of autonomy while achieving high standards,” said Keith Krueger, CEO of CoSN.
The delegation will address the following questions:
How has New Zealand worked to balance a highly decentralized system while achieving high standards for all students?
What approaches are used to involve the community in the learning process?
How has New Zealand rebuilt schools to support digital transformation for students, teachers, and administrators?
What are the policies that are helping to transform schools in New Zealand?
While in Auckland, the delegation will participate in a thought leadership roundtable, featuring key government and private sector leaders. CoSN will share the lessons learned with the U.S. education community through a delegation website, blog, webinars and a report summarizing their findings and experiences.
The CoSN Delegation to New Zealand was made possible through the generous support of HP.