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February 1, 2024
September 9, 2024
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The CTO Academy For K-12 Early Career and Aspiring CTOs is a program to address the needs of education technology leaders who are new (less than four full years) to their CTO or Technology Leadership position or aspiring CTOs and EdTech leaders currently working in a technology department. Participants will have the opportunity to develop edtech leadership skills including; managing diverse teams, leading a variety of projects simultaneously, and collaborating with a variety of stakeholders. Academy participants make a positive impact on student-centered and digital learning in their school district and enhance their career trajectory.

ctoacademy new logo

The program extends from October 1- June 1, 2025.

This program was developed through public and private sector leaders, district CTOs and edtech leaders to address current professional development needs and thought partner support for aspiring and early-career CTO and EdTech leaders.

If you have any questions, please email:
Jill Brown, jbrown@cosn.org CoSN Director of Professional Learning

Participants in CoSN’s CTO Academy For K-12 Early Career and Aspiring CTOs will benefit from a blended learning model consisting of:
Mentorship – a thought partner/mentor to match your specific needs that is a seasoned professional with at least 5 years that extends from October 1- June 1, 2025.
Two virtual events per month that include deep-dive discussions and practical content and activities.
Monthly “News You Can Use”.
Capstone project (select projects will be featured at the CoSN2025 Conference)
A private online community consisting of past and current cohort members and mentors.
Registration for CoSN2025.
A face-to-face event at the CoSN2025 Conference.
New career K-12 chief technology officers (CTOs) and technology leaders with fewer than 4 years of experience or aspiring technology leaders who are already working in a technology department at a school are invited to apply.
The application deadline is EXTENDED TO September 9th, 2024, at midnight EST.
Registration Fee: $2,599* members. This program is open only to individuals from CoSN member school systems.
More information on joining CoSN is here: https://www.cosn.org/membership-overview/cosn-membership-application/

The registration fee will be invoiced upon acceptance. Fees include program, materials, and registration for the COSN 2025 Conference. Participants are responsible for travel and lodging for the COSN Conference.

*Note this fee is proposed to increase to $3,999 for the 25-26 cohort.

We hope there will be 3-6 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Academy Scholarships available for CTOs from underrepresented populations in the education technology community. As part of the application process, you may request to be considered for one of these scholarships. Scholarship availability closes one month before the start of the new cohort.
