Leveraging Technology to Provide Equitable Learning Opportunities for ALL
Monday, November 13, 2023 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm EST

Presented by Dr. Susan Enfield, Superintendent, Washoe County School District (NV); Glenn Robbins, Superintendent, Brigantine Public School District (NJ); and Dr. Jim Roberts, Superintendent, Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation (IN)
Moderated by Ann McMullan, Project Director, CoSN/AASA EmpowerED Superintendents Initiative, CoSN (Consortium for School Networking)
This edLeader Panel series is presented by CoSN and AASA.
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In today’s world there is no question that digital technologies have opened up new learning opportunities for students and their families. In order to assure that everyone served by a school district truly has access to anywhere, anytime learning, school leaders are challenged to “think outside the box” to ensure districtwide equity to devices and high-speed internet both inside and outside of school.
During this edLeader Panel, three leading-edge superintendents share the approaches they lead in order to make digital equity a reality across their districts. Strategies for creating a common vision, engaging the broader community as partners in solving digital equity challenges, along with creative approaches for device and Wi-Fi deployments will be reviewed. Approaches to teaching and learning, digital citizenship, and tech support will also be highlighted as components for achieving digital equity.
A number of FREE resources for school leaders to use when addressing digital equity will be shared. One of the most recent tools offered for school leaders is the CoSN Digital Equity Dashboard. This free resource is an innovative and practical tool designed to help school districts and communities leverage data to close their digital equity gaps. An overview of the Digital Equity Dashboard will be presented.
This edLeader Panel is of particular value to superintendents, K-12 school and district leaders, and aspiring school leaders. Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions to the panelists during the live broadcast.

About the Presenters
Dr. Susan Enfield is Superintendent for the Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada. Serving more than 61,000 students in 103 schools, WCSD is the second-largest district in Nevada. Prior to WCSD, Dr. Enfield spent a decade serving as Superintendent for Highline Public Schools outside Seattle, Washington. Under her leadership, Highline worked to deliver on its promise to know every student by name, strength, and need so they graduate prepared for the future they choose. Dr. Enfield was named the 2022 Washington State Superintendent of the Year by the Washington Association of School Administrators, and the 2018 Superintendent of the Year by the National School Foundation Association. A graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Enfield has earned master’s degrees from Stanford University and Harvard University. She also holds a doctoral degree in administration, planning and social policy from Harvard’s Urban Superintendents Program.

Glenn Robbins is the proud Superintendent of the Brigantine Public School District in Brigantine, New Jersey. His passion is harnessing a district culture that thrives on positive psychology, design thinking, futurism, innovative digital spaces, technology integration, esports, cybersecurity, social-emotional learning zen dens, and maker cultures. In addition, Glenn encourages all students to have a voice, not only in building a school culture, but also in designing student-led entrepreneur opportunities. He is the proud recipient of the National Superintendent Certification, and serves as an AASA National Governing Board Member, AASA Aspiring Superintendent Mentor, and Chair of NJASA Technology Committee. He has been awarded numerous state and national recognitions including the NJ Visionary Superintendent Award, the Tech & Learning Northeast Innovative Superintendent Award, the National Exemplar of Education Award, a Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools Member, NASSP Digital Principal of the Year, and the SETDA Student Voice Award.

Dr. Jim Roberts is in his eighth year as Superintendent of the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation. Dr. Roberts previously served as Superintendent of the Batesville Community School Corporation in Batesville, IN for nine years and spent 23 years in that corporation as an administrator. Prior to becoming an administrator, he was a mathematics and computer science teacher at Hauser Jr. Sr. High School in Hope, IN for six years. Dr. Roberts has been a state and national presenter in the area of coordinated school health programs, received an Indiana State Department of Health’s Wellness Champion Award in 2011, was the Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents’ (IAPSS) District VIII Superintendent of the Year in 2014 and 2016, earned the 2016 Governor & Cheri Daniels School Health Award, received the 2022 Indiana CTO Council/IAPSS Candice Dodson EdTech Trailblazer Award, and was recognized as the 2023 AASA/CoSN EmpowerED Superintendent of the Year.

About the Moderator
Ann McMullan is Project Director for CoSN’s EmpowerED Superintendents Initiative, created in partnership with AASA, The School Superintendents Association. Ann served as Executive Director for Educational Technology in Klein ISD, near Houston, Texas until September 2013, when she and her family moved to Los Angeles, California. For 16 years Ann led the district team that provided professional development on technology and 21st century instructional strategies to 4,000 educators serving 50,000 students. She was co-chair of the Texas Education Technology Advisory Committee which developed the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology.
Today, Ann works as a public speaker, writer, and consultant focused on leadership to meet the needs of today’s students. Ann serves on edWeb.net’s Advisory Board and ERDI’s Ed Leadership Council. She also volunteers as a leadership consultant for the Executive Service Corps of Southern California, serving non-profit associations. Ann is co-author of Life Lessons in Leadership.
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AASA is the premier association for school system leaders and serves as the national voice for public education and district leadership on Capitol Hill.
CoSN (the Consortium for School Networking) is the premier professional association for school system technology leaders. CoSN provides thought leadership resources, community, best practices and advocacy tools to help leaders succeed in the digital transformation. CoSN represents over 13 million students in school districts nationwide and continues to grow as a powerful and influential voice in K-12 education.
ClassLink is a global education provider of identity and analytics products that create more time for learning and help schools better understand digital engagement. As leading advocates for open data standards, we offer instant access to apps and files with single sign-on, streamline class rostering, automate account provisioning, and provide actionable analytics. ClassLink empowers 19 million students and staff in over 2,500 school systems. Visit classlink.com to learn more.