Leading Effective Data Privacy Processes Within a School District Setting
Monday, March 11, 2024 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm EDT

Presented by Bill Burr, Superintendent, Wrangell Public Schools (AK); Scott Elder, Superintendent, Albuquerque Public Schools (NM); Dr. Mary Templeton, Superintendent, Washougal School District (WA); and Linnette Attai, Project Director, Student Data Privacy Initiative and Trusted Learning Environment Program, CoSN (Consortium for School Networking)
Moderated by Ann McMullan, Project Director, CoSN/AASA EmpowerED Superintendents Initiative, CoSN (Consortium for School Networking)
This edLeader Panel series is presented by CoSN and AASA.
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With the ever-increasing use of technology for teaching and learning, as well as for the daily operational management of any school district, comes a continuously growing need to assure data privacy for all who are engaged in school district processes. In this edLeader Panel, three leading-edge superintendents share the successful strategies they have implemented to both assess their school districts’ privacy and compliance policies and also assure that data privacy is integrated into all aspects of technology use within their school districts. Five critical guidelines for making data privacy an essential commitment within any school system will be presented.
Attendees will learn how to freely access the CoSN Student Data Privacy Toolkit which includes the following topics: Student Data Privacy Fundamentals, Partnering with Service Providers, and Transparency and Trust. CoSN’s Student Data Privacy Project Director will join the edLeader Panel conversation to inform attendees on why and how their school districts can earn CoSN’s Trusted Learning Environment (TLE) Seal and will share how to access the free TLE Self-Assessment.
The data privacy leadership strategies and free resources shared during this broadcast will be of high value to K-12 superintendents, school and district leaders, aspiring school leaders, chief technology officers, and other education technology leaders. Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions to the panelists during the live broadcast.

About the Presenters
Bill Burr has been a teacher, principal, tech director, assistant superintendent, and superintendent in Alaska for 27 years, with 23 of those years in administration and 20 as a technology director. Bill is currently working in the Wrangell Public Schools serving as Superintendent. He has been a member of the Alaska Society of Technology in Education (ASTE) Board since 2010 as Interior Representative, Treasurer, and as the only four-time ASTE President. He also is a member of the CoSN Superintendent Advisory Board, UAS School of Education External Advisory Committee, the Southeast Regional Resource Center Board, and the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce President. He is currently enrolled in the Western AASA National Superintendent Certification Program (2025 Class).

Scott Elder is a third-generation New Mexican and has been an employee of Albuquerque Public Schools since 1991. He began his career as an English as a second language teacher and served as a school principal for 19 years. After receiving his MBA, he was asked to serve as Chief Operations Officer for the district. During the pandemic, he was appointed the Interim Superintendent and was named permanent in March 2020. He is a vocal advocate for public education with a focus on improving outcomes for all students. He represents APS on the national stage, appearing at national conventions and recently returned from the White House and a convening on cybersecurity in the public schools.

Dr. Mary Templeton is the Superintendent of the Washougal School District, a beautiful community situated in the Columbia Gorge of Washington State and nearby Portland, Oregon. Dr. Templeton began her career in education as a classroom teacher, serving in districts in California, Idaho, and Washington State. Her love of the arts and her musical background have served her well to create engaging and creative spaces for student learning. In addition to 15 years as a classroom teacher, she has also served administratively as a building leader as well as at the executive level. Dr. Templeton holds a BA from the University of Oregon, an MA in education from Eastern Washington University, and a doctorate in educational leadership from Washington State University. Dr. Templeton grew up in the Portland metropolitan area and prior to returning to this area to serve as an educator in Washougal, she spent 20 years working for Spokane Public Schools.

Linnette Attai is Project Director for CoSN’s Privacy Initiative and Trusted Learning Environment Program. As founder of the global privacy consulting firm PlayWell, LLC, Linnette delivers strategic advice and training, policy development, and technology assessments, and builds cultures of compliance across a wide range of organizations. She also serves as virtual chief privacy officer and GDPR data protection officer to select clients. Linnette is a recognized expert in the youth and education sectors and speaks nationally on data privacy matters. She is a TEDx speaker and author of the books Student Data Privacy: Building a School Compliance Program, Protecting Student Data Privacy: Classroom Fundamentals, and Student Data Privacy: Managing Vendor Relationships.

About the Moderator
Ann McMullan is Project Director for CoSN’s EmpowerED Superintendents Initiative, created in partnership with AASA, The School Superintendents Association. Ann served as Executive Director for Educational Technology in Klein ISD, near Houston, Texas until September 2013, when she and her family moved to Los Angeles, California. For 16 years Ann led the district team that provided professional development on technology and 21st century instructional strategies to 4,000 educators serving 50,000 students. She was co-chair of the Texas Education Technology Advisory Committee which developed the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology.
Today, Ann works as a public speaker, writer, and consultant focused on leadership to meet the needs of today’s students. Ann serves on the edWeb.net Advisory Board and is a founding member of ERDI’s Ed Leadership Council. She also volunteers as a leadership consultant for the Executive Service Corps of Southern California, serving non-profit associations. Ann is co-author of Life Lessons in Leadership.
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AASA is the premier association for school system leaders and serves as the national voice for public education and district leadership on Capitol Hill.
CoSN (the Consortium for School Networking) is the premier professional association for school system technology leaders. CoSN provides thought leadership resources, community, best practices and advocacy tools to help leaders succeed in the digital transformation. CoSN represents over 13 million students in school districts nationwide and continues to grow as a powerful and influential voice in K-12 education.
ClassLink is a global education provider of identity and analytics products that create more time for learning and help schools better understand digital engagement. As leading advocates for open data standards, we offer instant access to apps and files with single sign-on, streamline class rostering, automate account provisioning, and provide actionable analytics. ClassLink empowers 19 million students and staff in over 2,500 school systems. Visit classlink.com to learn more.