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April 19, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Category:
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generative ai readiness tool webinar general

Join us for a dynamic discussion on the K-12 Generative AI Maturity Tool, developed collaboratively by CoSN, the Council of Great City Schools (CGCS), and Amazon Web Services (AWS). This tool builds on the insights from the K-12 Generative AI Readiness Checklist launched in the autumn of 2023. It is designed to help school districts assess and enhance their readiness for integrating Generative AI technologies. Throughout the webinar, a district leader currently using the tool will share experiences and insights, demonstrating how the tool has supported their instructional and operational objectives. Participants will learn how to access the tool, evaluate their district’s AI maturity, secure additional support, and utilize the tailored recommendations to foster continuous improvement.

Everyone who registers will receive a recording of the webinar.