Monday, April 10, 2023 @ 5:00
Presented by Scott Borba, Superintendent, Le Grand Union Elementary School District (CA); Todd Dugan, Superintendent, Bunker Hill CUSD 8 (IL); and Dr. Kelly May-Vollmar, Superintendent, Desert Sands Unified School District (CA)
Moderated by Ann McMullan, Project Director, CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) EmpowerED Superintendents Initiative
Three superintendents who served on the international committee that researched and produced the CoSN 2023 Driving K-12 Innovation report are the featured guest panelists on this edLeader Panel. Each superintendent will describe how the Hurdles, Accelerators, and Tech Enablers specified in the report manifest themselves in their school districts. The superintendents will also share the strategies they have implemented to overcome the Hurdles as well as leverage the Accelerators and Tech Enablers that are included in the report in order to maximize technology innovations within their school districts. Attendees of this session will learn how they can leverage the information included in the 2023 Driving K-12 Innovation report to lead and implement technology innovations within their own K-12 education settings.
Participants who attend our webinars live earn 1 CoSN CEA Credit toward CETL® recertification.