The Member Spotlight is a new way for CoSN members get to know each other and improve networking. Each month, CoSN will select a member who has volunteered to answer various questions about themselves, personal and professional, and then share their responses with our entire CoSN community.

August 2022 Member Spotlight

Jennifer Lotze, CETL®

Jennifer Lotze, CETL®

  1. How long have you been a member of CoSN?

“I have been a member of CoSN for six and a half years.”

  1. Why did you join CoSN? What is your favorite part of being a member?

I joined CoSN because my experience in technology was purely on the instructional side. I knew that CoSN would connect me with resources and a professional learning community that could support me as a new leader. My favorite part of being a member is all of the new people I have met. We started as thought partners and now I consider many friends.”

  1. What committee do you currently volunteer with?

“I am on the CTO Council, Privacy Initiative Educator Working Group, and the Advocacy Auction Committee.”

  1. What does your daily work entail?

“Gosh! All the things! I oversee all operational and instructional technology systems and staff for the Hudson School District in Hudson, WI. Every day is different. Oftentimes, the plan I had for the day will change within a few minutes of getting to the office.”

  1. How did you get into the field of educational technology?

“I was a special education teacher. As a special education teacher, my classroom was one of the only spaces to have technology. This included printers, assistive technology resources, iPads (without a camera- WHAT!), and the first Chromebooks. Our staff started to see me as a resource and our technology director invited me to the first Google Summit. After attending, he shared that we would be removing all Microsoft software from staff devices and moving to what was then called Google Docs and the group of teachers who went to the Google Summit would train all staff on this new resource. Truthfully, the rest is history!”

  1. What’s one thing - either industry-related or not - you learned in the last month?

“So many things! In the world of cyber security and data privacy, I learn something new every day. With that being said, I just learned that rubbing alcohol will dissolve pen ink from clothing. Who knew?”

  1. What are three words that best describe yourself?

“Passionate, Fun, Reflective”

  1. What is one secret that your peers don’t know about you?

“I have over 200 pairs of shoes. I wear the same ones all the time but love the rest!”

  1. If you could choose one superpower, which would it be?

“Time travel for sure. We talk so much about wanting more time. If I could go back in time, I would revisit conversations, moments, and experiences.”

  1. What is your motto or personal mantra?

“We are going to make it! If COVID taught us anything it’s that we can do hard things that we never imagined.”

  1. Do you have a Favorite book?

“I was an English major in college and was given the opportunity to read so many things but my favorite book of all time is The Great Gatsby. I always dream of what that world and time period would have been like.”

  1. Who inspires you the most?

“Our students for sure. They have had some really unusual learning experiences over the last several years but they are moving through those challenges everyday.”

  1. What is your Favorite Summer activity?

“Kayaking (My shoes match my kayak!)”

  1. Any advice for new K-12 technology leaders?

“Ask for help and surround yourself with people who know the things you might not. It’s ok to say, “I'll get back to you.”“

Nominate yourself or another member by filling out the questionnaire