The Member Spotlight is a new way for CoSN members get to know each other and improve networking. Each month, CoSN will select a member who has volunteered to answer various questions about themselves, personal and professional, and then share their responses with our entire CoSN community.
April 2023 Member Spotlight

Mary Mehsikomer, CETL®
Mary Mehsikomer, CETL® is an Outreach Facilitator at Sourcewell. Sourcewell is a self-sustaining government organization in Minnesota. They have over 40 years of service helping government, education, and nonprofit agencies operate more efficiently through a variety of solutions: contract purchasing, technology and regional programs and services.
1. How long have you been a member of CoSN?
“For as long as I can remember! I think I first joined in the late 1990s if that’s possible!”
2. Why did you join CoSN? What is your favorite part of being a member?
“At the time, a good friend and professional colleague was a member and she encouraged me to join. My favorite part of being a member are all the great resources and professional learning that CoSN publishes and offers to us. These resources help me do my job, which is doing my best to help school districts find ways to implement technology effectively."
3. What committee do you currently volunteer with?
"I am not currently on one."
4. What does your daily work entail?
“My daily work entails working with school districts on technology planning assessments, designing professional learning opportunities for educators, and managing the Minnesota Learning Commons, which is a partnership between the Minnesota Department of Education, University of Minnesota, and Minnesota State. I also provide support to school districts with E-rate, data for decision-making, and cybersecurity and data privacy awareness."
5. How did you get into the field of educational technology?
“Completely by accident. LOL. I started in IT at the Minnesota Department of Education and rode the wave all the way to where we are now.”
6. What’s one thing - either industry-related or not - you learned recently?
“I hosted a webinar and discussion about the impacts of generative AI and ChatGPT on education. It was fascinating! We heard from educators in both K-12 and post-secondary education on their experiences and ideas for using these technologies to help students learn.”
7. Who inspires you the most?
“All my colleagues and friends in education who are working so hard to make sure students get the best education experience possible.”
8. If you could choose a superpower, what would if be?
“Hmmmmm. I would say communication. I like to think I’m good at talking with people and getting ideas and plans down on paper – but maybe now I will be replaced by ChatGPT!
9. What is your favorite Book?
“To Kill A Mockingbird. I always go back to it and I find something new to appreciate every time I read it."
10. Are you going to attend the CoSN Conference? If so what are you mosdt looking forward to?
“Yes! I am really looking forward to the CoSN Chapter Leaders Meeting and all of the great sessions offered. It has been a few years since I have attended the conference and I am really looking forward to it"
Nominate yourself or another member by filling out the questionnaire.