The Member Spotlight is a new way for CoSN members get to know each other and improve networking. Each month, CoSN will select a member who has volunteered to answer various questions about themselves, personal and professional, and then share their responses with our entire CoSN community.
January 2023 Member Spotlight

Sarah Radcliffe, CETL®
Sarah Radcliffe is the Director of Future Ready Learning in the School District of Altoona. The Wisconsin district serves around 1,900 students across four schools. She was also recently elected to serve on the CoSN board of directors for her first term.
1. How long have you been a member of CoSN?
“I have been a member of CoSN since about 2012...I guess this is my 10-year anniversary.”
2. Why did you join CoSN? What is your favorite part of being a member?
“My district joined CoSN when our technology Director was earning his CETL®. I became aware of the member benefits working as his instructional technology coach.
Back then my favorite part of being a CoSN member was networking through forums and learning about how other technology leaders in the same position as me were solving problems.
Now, my favorite part is getting to know other CTO’s. It’s a fascinating field and always changing. We are better together!"
3. What committee do you currently volunteer with?
"I'm newly elected to the Board of Directors"
4. What does your daily work entail?
“I oversee IT as well as College & Career Readiness and Virtual Learning in our district. My day-to-day varies quite a bit, but a lot of my day is collaborating with the other District Office leaders and working with my team to ensure that classroom and student technology is working well. My instructional staff is also building a scope and sequence of digital literacy skills for our 4th - 6th graders to ensure equitable skills development for all students. This is a big lift this year!"
5. How did you get into the field of educational technology?
“I started my career as a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). I became fascinated with augmentative communication and the power of technology to give a child a voice. I started leading our Assistive Technology team my second year as an SLP and found technology to also be a great tool for struggling learners. This prepared me to create and apply for a Technology Coaching position in our district. As a coach, I began creating and leading professional development. I went on to earn my CETL® and then had the opportunity to lead our district’s IT team as the CTO.”
6. What’s one thing - either industry-related or not - you learned recently?
“Since my schooling is not in technology, I have been taking IT courses at the local technical college. My most recent course was Database 1. I'm also reading a lot of books on coaching and change leadership this year.”
7. Who inspires you the most?
“Our superintendent, Dr. Eliopoulos, is one of the most inspirational people I know. She lives her mission of growing her leaders and she creates a culture of learning with a, "we can do this," attitude. Alongside her strong leadership, she has grace, poise, and integrity beyond any I have seen.”
8. What is your personal motto or mantra?
“An English class at one of the high schools I worked in had an assignment to write a five-word autobiography. My friend, Cara, helped me craft mine because she noticed I'm always optimistically jumping into learning something new. My five-word autobiography was, "That'll be fun, she said."
9. What is your favorite T.V. Show?
“I love crime shows and drama. Currently, my daughter Natalie and I are watching House, M.D."
10. What is your favorite Winter activity?
“We purchased a woodstove this summer for our home. My current favorite activity is starting a fire and staying inside. I'm hoping the novelty will wear off just a bit, so I can go back to skiing and snowshoeing as well."
Nominate yourself or another member by filling out the questionnaire.