CoSN Role
Diane W. Doersch is the Director of Technology for the Verizon Innovative Learning schools (#DPVILS) program and works at Digital Promise. She was formerly a Chief Technology & Information Officer of a large Wisconsin School District. As a former teacher, she has been involved in education for over 34 years. Diane holds a Masters Degree in Educational Technology from Lesley University and possesses her Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL) National Certificate from CoSN.
Diane was a founding member and President of the WISEDash Local Consortium, a group of Wisconsin School Districts who built their own data warehouse. She is currently president of Northeast Wisconsin Women in Technology (WIT), an organization devoted to attracting, educating, and supporting women in the field of Technology. She also serves on the Consortium of School Networking’s (CoSN) Board of Directors and is chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. She also serves on the Board of Directors for the #EquityEDU nonprofit. Diane is passionate about providing technology and opportunities to ALL students to be college, career, and community ready.