CoSN Role

Project Director


Pete Just, CETL, recently retired from the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township in Indianapolis, IN, where he served as Chief Operating Officer. He joined CoSN as a Project Director for AI in 2024.

Believing that technology held great promise for K-12 education, he pursued and received his graduate degree from Indiana University in Instructional Systems Technology and has been knee deep in digital innovation ever since. Pete is founding Chair of the Indiana Chief Technology Officer’s Council (2010-2013) He has been involved in developing standards for classroom technology, blended and virtual learning, K12 CyberSecurity, and committed to developing personal and future leadership including leading Indiana’s CTO2B mentoring program for the next generation of technology leaders.

Pete earned his CETL credential in the inaugural 2013 cohort. Pete was elected to the CoSN National Board in 2014, continues to serve and recently served as CoSN Board Chair.