Valerie is currently the Assistant Executive Director of the AASA, the Superintendents Association. Prior to joining AASA in 2019, Valerie served as Chief Transformation & Technology Officer for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (NC). Her dedication to public education extends to prior roles as a Superintendent, an Assistant Superintendent, Principal, and most importantly a Teacher. Valerie’s passions include extending learning beyond the school day and increasing engagement during the school day. She has served in leadership roles in urban, suburban, and rural school systems as well as at the state level in the Carolinas.
Valerie has been instrumental in setting up networks of K12 edtech leaders. She joined CoSN’s Board of Directors in 2017. She is currently serving a co-chair of the annual conference #Cosn2022. Valerie also serves on CoSN’s Driving K-12 Innovation Advisory Board and represents AASA in its co-sponsorship of CoSN’s Superintendents Advisory Committee and CoSN’s EmpowerED Superintendent award annually
Dr. Truesdale received her Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Clemson University, her Master’s Degree in Business from Georgia State and her Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina. She is also a Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL)