Introduction & Objectives

This is a “grab and go” guide for thinking through the Driving K-12 Innovation initiative’s Hurdles (barriers), Accelerators (catalysts or megatrends), and Tech Enablers (tools) that are the most important for your school or district, and designing ways to make progress around one or more of them.

More specifically, this protocol will help you:
● Identify the most important Hurdles, Accelerators, and Tech Enablers in your context right now, with stakeholder input.
● Use this information to think through and strategize around possible action(s).
● Have important conversations with stakeholders in your district/organization to implement change.
● Explore the intersections of the Top Topics to assist your team in identifying strategies and an action plan to drive

This work is meant to be a launchpad vs. documentation with all the answers….to spark conversations.

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