Part of a Blog Series from the Emerging Technologies Committee Leveraging Technology for Improving School Wellness and Safety

When David Jarboe and Beatriz Arnillas convened the Emerging Technology Committee last May, the group reflected on the rich feedback received during our CoSN conference session.  We were encouraged by the broad interest in the committee work as we set out to develop this year’s report.  We discovered a common thread throughout the discussion around leveraging technology to improve the overall wellness of schools for students, staff, and the community.  Four overarching topics began to come into focus.  We decided it would be beneficial for members to hear from practitioners in the field who had accomplished progress and success in these areas.  The committee hopes to inspire others who find themselves on similar paths professionally and within their own communities.  We know that not everyone deals with the same variables or situations, but we believe ” nuggets ” can be found in sharing their stories. jump

Although technology cannot fix everything, it can provide tools for teachers to reduce stress and assist with school safety. This project aims to explore areas where technology can help educators, students, parents, and administrators attend to the most important aspects of learning. This report is a compilation of interviews with technology leaders around the nation. We tried to get a representative sample of districts, including various sizes, geographical locations, and socioeconomic status. Not every product or practice is necessarily practical for every district, however learning from what others are doing can spark conversations, new ideas, and change. The best practices and recommendations come directly from practitioners. We hope that you will find the work of others useful in district-level conversations around Student Mental Health, Social Media Issues, Teacher Stress, and School Safety Technology.

christina wocintechchat com 0nfqp0wijqc unsplashWe have modified the format to engage our members more thoughtfully.  We know it can be difficult to find time to sit and read 12-page reports, so we have divided the report into a series of blogs sponsored by a panel of individuals whom we have interviewed for this report.  Our goal is to deliver a more personal report that readers can enjoy in more manageable parts.

male teachers

Each blog posting will provide an opportunity to engage in dialogue with other professionals on each topic, allowing a collective of practitioners to explore and collaborate through an online forum.  As the committee has spent time discussing these topics, we want to invite other members to join in and share your expertise.

Download the resource here

David Jarboe, CETL, Co-Chair, CoSN Emerging Technologies Committee
Director of Instructional Technology and STEAM at Harrison School District No. 2 (CO)

Beatriz Arnillas, MFA, Co-Chair, CoSN Emerging Technologies Committee
Director of Digital Curriculum Innovation (1EdTech) (FL)

Published on: December 14th,  2022

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