2021-2022 Webinar Series

webinarimagechris montgomery smgtvepind4 unsplashIn our professional advancement webinars, education technology experts from across the country and around the world present on their specialties. During each interactive session, experts engage in dialogue to address the challenges and opportunities facing educators. Webinars are FREE for members and $59 for non-members. Partner webinars are free for all.

Participants who attend our webinars live earn 1 CoSN CEA Credit toward CETL® recertification.


All registrants will be emailed a recording of the webinar and a podcast of the webinar will be posted here.
If you want a copy of the presentation slides, email jbrown@cosn.org and indicate if you are a CoSN member or not.

Past Webinar Recordings

Planning and Sustaining Technology Innovations: Aligning Priorities, Costs, and Outcomes Webinar

When technology initiatives are viewed as investments rather than simply costs, school leaders have the opportunity to apply decision-making strategies that are meaningful and relevant to an education environment. Planning for and implementing district technology investments in any school system is a complex process involving multiple stakeholders, each with their own valid concerns and requests.

A Leader’s Role in Supporting UDL

In order to reduce barriers, leaders must work to develop their Universal Design for Learning mindset, knowledge and skills to ensure that all learners have equitable access to educational materials and resources. During this session you will hear from two district leaders who are using a UDL mindset to lead.

webinar 113022 cetl basics

CoSN CETL® Certification Basics Webinar

What is it?

Why it's beneficial?

How to apply, recertification?

And more.

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Leadership Challenges and Solutions Regarding Data Privacy in Technology-Enriched Learning Environments
Today, in any school system, data privacy is a priority that touches every aspect of school operations. In this edLeader Panel, three superintendents share the successful strategies they lead to assess their school districts’ privacy and compliance policies and the practices they implement as they relate to their districts’ systemwide use of technology.
Viewers hear how each superintendent addresses several specific critical guidelines for leading school system data privacy initiatives, including staying current with state and federal laws, keeping instructional impacts in the picture, and effective training strategies for staff and students.
All three superintendents represent school districts that have earned the Trusted Learning Environment (TLE) Seal, the nation’s only privacy framework designed specifically for school systems. When any school district goes through the process of earning the TLE Seal they develop strong data privacy programs and are able to build a culture of trust with all the communities they serve. Viewers learn how their own school districts can earn the TLE Seal.


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(Member Exclusive)


Be sure to follow us on Twitter @CoSN and LinkedIn to stay updated on CoSN events!


Be sure to follow us on Twitter @CoSN and LinkedIn to stay updated on CoSN events!

2022 CoSN EdTech Trends and Funding
In a recent survey CoSN members shared their experiences and how emergency funding has impacted purchasing decisions. This 30 minute webinar will highlight the key findings and every attendee will receive a copy of the full survey report.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter @CoSN and LinkedIn to stay updated on CoSN events!


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Student Data Privacy Webinar
Building a data privacy governance program is a significant undertaking, requiring leadership support, knowledgeable technology leadership empowered to build and implement the program, and an institution-wide culture that is open to change. The “what” is understandable, but the “how” is often murky. How do you engage with leadership to make the case for building or improving your privacy program? How do you start building acceptance for the needed changes? Join us as we do a deep dive into the “how” with representatives from 2 districts that have each earned their Trusted Learning Environment (TLE) Seal. Listen in as they share how they moved from thinking about data privacy to action, and learn tips that you can apply to your student data privacy efforts.


Leading Learning in the 2022-2023 School Year: Ready, Set, Go
Presented by Dr. David Schuler, Superintendent, High School District 214 (IL); Dr. Carol Kelley, Superintendent, Princeton Public Schools (NJ); and Mr. Matthew J. Miller, Superintendent, Lakota Local Schools (OH)
Moderated by Ann McMullan, Project Director, CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) EmpowerED Superintendents Initiative


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Five Things Today’s New EdTech Leaders Should Know
Aspiring, new, or experienced EdTech leaders have been inundated with problems and challenges over the past several years; often with little time for planning or reflection. We’ve made it through, but what are the critical strategies needed going forward? Get a headstart on next year by joining a discussion with an experienced EdTech leader panel. We will discuss five challenges facing EdTech leaders for 22-23 along with strategies to not only survive, but thrive.
Donna Williamson, Facilitator for CoSN’s Early Career K-12 CTO Academy for Today’s EdTech Leaders (AL)
Dannielle Lord, MA, Director of Technology, Mooresville Graded School District (NC)
Scott Smith, ED.D., Assistant Superintendent, Mooresville Graded School District (NC)
Sheryl Abshire, Ph.D., Former CTO Calcasieu Parish Public Schools (TX)
Rod Houpe, Director of Business Development at Education Networks of America (ENA) (OH)
Unfortunately, due to technical issues, this webinar did not get recorded.


webinar 050522 what cosn’s 2022 survey tells us about interoperability in k 12sm

Key Findings from CoSN's 2022 K-12 IT Leadership Survey
CoSN has conducted an annual survey of U.S. K-12 IT Leaders for the past nine years. The results from the 2022 survey were recently released. Come to this webinar to learn about the key findings and better understand today’s EdTech landscape around the state of cybersecurity risks, BYOD initiatives, demands for home access support and more.

The survey and this webinar were made possible by the Ed-Fi Alliance and CDW-G, conducted in partnership with MCH Data, K12 Insite, and AASA.


Leadership Strategies to Assure Student Data Privacy: The Trusted Learning Environment Seal
In this edWebinar the superintendent guest panelists review five critical guidelines for ensuring data privacy in any school system’s use of technology. They will also share how school leaders can make data privacy a priority across entire school systems. Each of the school districts represented by the superintendents on the panel has successfully completed the process of earning the TLE Seal. They will share how they lead that process and the lessons learned along the way.

Designing an Acquisition Process for Your District 

Have “ILL gotten goods” ever shown up at your doorstep with individuals expecting them to be added to the network? Join us for another IT Leadership discussion about the Value of Investment (VOI) and the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for technology items. Four district IT leaders will talk about their new technology acquisition process when the funds come from unrestricted entities like parent organizations or Donors Choose. While this issue seems to be an age-old problem for IT leaders, our panelists will be able to shed some light on their district process solutions and how sustainability can be built into the planning process.

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Capturing the Value of Investment for Technology Spending
Frankie J. Jackson, CETL, Subject Matter Expert, CoSN
William Pierce, Executive Administrator of Digital Innovation and Program Management, Jefferson County School District (KY)
Diane W. Doersch, CETL, Technical Project Director, Digital Promise (DC)
Rob Dickinson, Chief Information Officer, Wichita Public Schools USD 259 (KS)


CoSN’s Driving K-12 Innovation: Summit #1Hurdles and Accelerators & Summit #2 Tech Enablers
The pandemic has shifted education as we know it and now is our chance to move forward, into a world where innovation is central to catalyzing change needed more than ever before.
During CoSN’s two Driving K-12 Innovation Summits, we will explore the Hurdles, Accelerators, and Tech Enablers that our Advisory Board has deemed the most influential for 2022. What are the biggest challenges and motivations for change, and what are the tools to help us get there? How has the COVID-19 pandemic played a role in the process?


EmpowerED Superintendent Webinar: Interoperability: Seamlessly Sharing Data, Content, and Services Within School District Systems or Applications
In this edWebinar, school leaders share successful policies, strategies, and training solutions to help districts assure the interoperability of their academic and operational systems.

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Amplifying the Power of One CoSN 2022 Annual Conference Overview
To ensure the success of each student every day, it only takes one – one teacher, one team, one school, one district, one community, ONE STEP.
Explore ideas, projects, processes, and products that amplify the power of one.
Dream big. Design smart. Empower voice.


Leadership Strategies for Scaling, Sustaining, and Budgeting for Education Technology Innovations
In this edWebinar, three leading-edge superintendents share how they are leading innovation by creating and supporting practices that allow successful innovations to grow and be sustained. Strategies for budgeting for innovation is also discussed.


Social-Emotional Learning: Leveraging Technology to Care for All
In this edWebinar, three innovative, compassionate superintendents share how they address the social and emotional needs of the students, staff, and families in their school districts. They each review the strategies and practices they are leading in their districts to leverage technology tools to address the challenges of social-emotional learning.

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Stepping Up Every Day – Leadership in K12 Education
Join us to share your story and hear from a panel of professionals, just like you, in various stages of their careers. Explore how leadership looks today. Discover the strategic drivers that should frame your approach to leadership each day. Explore the different stages of leadership and continue to grow in your role and advance your career.


Cybersecurity: School Leadership Strategies for Preventing and Responding to Cyberattacks
In this recorded edWebinar, three school district superintendents share their knowledge and experiences in leading cybersecurity awareness in their school systems. Strategies for preventing cyberattacks and recommendations for responding effectively when they do occur are reviewed. 

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Cybersecurity Insurance & Risk Assessments
What to expect.

The Cybersecurity Insurance landscape is rapidly changing.  Premiums and deductibles are increasing and insurance companies are demanding that K12 organizations take a more active role in protecting their technology environments.  Insurance companies are also rolling out risk assessments and questionnaires to determine rates and eligibility.  

What do you need to do to prepare to respond to these risk assessments and maintain an insurable technology infrastructure? 


Learning Reimagined: Leveraging Technology to Meet the Needs of All Students
In this Season 4 premier of the EmpowerED Superintendent edWebinar series, three inventive superintendents share how they are leveraging technology in their school systems today to reimagine learning for all students, especially those most at risk.

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Solving Broadband Equity Disparities
All Hands On Deck - A Demonstrated Approach 

As students moved to virtual learning, it quickly became clear that the broadband equity issues plaguing students were more significant and more complex than we knew. Hudson School District in Wisconsin benefitted from agencies who worked together to help solve this issue. 

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2021 CoSN EdTech Trends Webinar
Hear about the CoSN 2021 Member Survey survey results and get the latest perspective from school districts like your own.


Innovative Technology Solutions to Address Digital Equity: Award-Winning Collaborative Leadership Strategies
CoSN annually awards a school district with the association’s Community Leadership Award for Digital Equity to encourage and recognize those districts that are working to eliminate inequities and narrow the digital access gap. The Superintendent and Chief Technology Officer from each of the school districts that were awarded CoSN’s Community Leadership Award for Digital Equity in 2021 (Desert Sands USD, CA) and 2020 (Santa Fe Public Schools, NM) are the featured guests in this edWebinar broadcast.

Recruit and Retain People of Color in IT
Organizations often focus on gender diversity, and while this does improve school system's performance, ethnic diversity has an even larger impact on stakeholder outcomes.
Diversity is not just a "do good" thing - it supports your school system's bottom line.
Join us in this webinar to discuss:
-Why diversity matters.
-How to attract talent from ethnically diverse groups.
-How to make sure that the talent you attract wants to stay with you.