Protecting student data privacy is a critical and fundamental school system requirement. But addressing legal requirements and community expectations for student data privacy while allowing for data-driven decision-making and technology use is a significant challenge. CoSN’s Student Data Privacy Toolkit provides the guidance you need to create and improve your student data privacy program while building confidence and trust across your community. 

This Section Two of the CoSN Student Data Privacy Toolkit is focused on helping School Systems approach their work with Providers with confidence and competence, with an aim toward demystifying certain language and practices to better position School Systems to achieve their goals.

If you’ve not yet reviewed Section One of the CoSN Student Data Privacy Toolkit, “Student Data Privacy Fundamentals,” we encourage you to do that first. Section One provides an overview of common federal student data privacy laws with which School Systems and Providers must comply, as well as discussion of state student data privacy laws. This Section Two provides guidance for School Systems on approaches to applying that information to evaluation of online educational products and services.

Below are the links to the CoSN Student Data Privacy Toolkits, each designed to provide you with information to help support your work in protecting student data privacy: 

Part 1: Student Data Privacy Fundamentals 

Part 2: Partnering with Service Providers 

Part 3: Transparency and Trust

We encourage you to download all 3 as part of your student data privacy resource library.  

