Institutional Candidates
We currently have four Institutional member seats open, and voting rights are extended to existing institutional members for selecting candidates to fill these positions. Please ensure your status as a voting member by reaching out to if you have any doubts.
Voting will be accessible from November 8 to December 8, 2023.
Holly Doe, CETL
Director of Technology
Regional School Unit 40
José González
Chief Technology Officer
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Kris Hagel, CETL
Executive Director of Digital Learning
Peninsula School District
Diana Hawari, CETL
Chief Information Officer
Dysart Unified School District
Stacy Hawthorne, Ed.D., CETL
Chief Academic Officer
Chapter- OH (Learn21)
Kelly May-Vollmar, Ed.D.
Desert Sands Unified School District
Chris Smallen, Ed.D., CETL
Chief Technology Officer
Lenoir City Schools
Corporate Candidates
We currently have one Corporate member seat open, and voting rights are extended to existing Corporate members for selecting candidates to fill the position. Please ensure your status as a voting member by reaching out to
Please watch out for a separate email through SurveyMonkey, which will be sent exclusively to voting members.
Voting will be accessible from November 8 to December 8, 2023.
Nathan Davidson, CETL
Vice President of Managed Services
Five Star Technology Solutions
Wendy Jones, CETL
Education Strategist Manager
CDW Education
Shahryar Khazei
K12 Education Ambassador
Infosys Limited